Fundación Mundubat
Fundación Mundubat
Non-governmental organisation
Kind of support: Host entities
Geographical scope: International
Based in
Western Sahara
Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
Israel / oPt
Africa, Americas, Middle East North Africa (MENA)
Mundubat is an NGO comprised of men and women who are committed to a change in the world order. What unites us:
Our personal desire of solidarity and our conviction that structural poverty is one of the biggest human rights’ violation. Our solidarity is based on our daily work to ensure everyone enjoys all their rights, from a gender equity perspective.
We work with grassroots communities and organisations that demand rights and social and economic alternatives, and that encourage participatory democracy.
Our work serves as a support for grassroots organisations, in order to promote socio-political processes that encourage social change. We carry out endogenous development projects and programmes, as well as citizen engagement actions.
We encourage citizen’s critical view at our society and our public and private institutions. We rely on the international alliances and networks to do this work.
Efficiency is our resource management principle. Ongoing improvement is our tool to achieve quality in our work.