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Scholars at Risk

Scholars at Risk

Referral Entity - Network of Universities
Kind of support: Referral entities Coordination hubs and Others
Geographical scope: International

Based in 

United States of America
Americas, Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Scholars at Risk is an international network of over 650 higher education institutions in 43 countries dedicated to promoting academic freedom and assisting threatened scholars by arranging temporary academic visits at member institutions for scholars whose lives and careers are disrupted in their home countries. Through the Practitioners at Risk program, SAR can at times also arrange or support temporary university positions for individuals targeted for their work promoting human rights and/or democracy, such as journalists, writers, democracy and human rights advocates, lawyers/judges, and artists. Scholars at Risk also provides advisory services for scholars and hosts, campaigns for scholars who are imprisoned or silenced in their home countries, monitoring of attacks on higher education communities worldwide, and leadership in deploying new tools and strategies for promoting academic freedom and improving respect for university values everywhere.