International Action for Peace
International Action for Peace
Non-governmental organisation
Kind of support: Host entities
Geographical scope: International
Based in
Americas, Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
International Action for Peace acts to achieve peaceful societies, free of all forms of violence, based on universal respect for Human Rights, as a strategy to achieve a just, equitable and dignified world.
To achieve our purpose, we establish the following lines of action:
Peacebuilding, through support for social organizations and citizen initiatives at a global level that are directed towards the transformation of conflicts and injustices through cooperation and education for global justice.
Global protection, to expand the security spaces of social organizations and human rights defenders, strengthening community protection mechanisms and/or carrying out international support activities for leaders on the ground.
Education and communication to feed the processes of peace building, social mobilization and volunteering.
Research and advocacy on local and international government actors to promote the promotion of the rule of law and human security.